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Craig Downer, renown author of “The Wild Horse Conspiracy” is presenting in London Ontario Canada, in May.


Renown author of “The Wild Horse Conspiracy”, Mr. Craig Downer will be presenting in London ,Ontario, CANADA next month and I urge any and all of you who are fighting to save both American and Canadian horses from the horrors found in slaughterhouses to attend.  Believe me you will find his presentation enlightening as well as thought provoking and it will light your fire to act in a very positive direction to preserve this heritage species, and to put an end to the Canadian participation which enables the war on both US and Canadian horses.

I feel very privileged to work with all who fight so diligently to ensure that wild equines as well as  domesticated horses do not continue to face the never ending harassment and the houses of horror called slaughter plants.

Craig has dedicated himself to the Saving of Wild Horses and Burros in the U.S. and has revealed the truth about just what these magnificent horses and burros face in their never ending battle to remain alive and free.



By Craig C. Downer, Wild Horse Ecologist

P.O. Box 456, Minden, NV 89423; ccdowner@yahoo.com

Speech for Wild Horse Summit, Las Vegas, NV, Oct. 12, 2008, organized by ISPMB

Though the horse family is endangered world wide, wild horses and burros on public land remain on the very bottom of the totem pole of priorities of both the Bureau of Land Management & U.S. Forest Service.  These are the two agencies charged by law with protecting & managing them.  These two “national heritage species,” have rights to live free that are covered by the unanimously passed Public Law 92-195 and that are supported by many millions of ordinary U.S. citizens as well as people worldwide.  For these and other sundry reasons, the extent of livestock grazing and the number of permittees involved both in the original Herd Areas and in reduced Herd Management Areas should be clearly spelled out to the public – but this is not currently the case!

The poster below was sent to me via Craig and with permission I am including it in this Blog post.Craig Downer  London ON visit

I have also included links to prior posts which I have on this Blog, all related to the continuing fight to end horse slaughter.    To see all posts, just type in wildhorses into the search box at the top right of the Blog page.

Note the Canadian Horse Defense Coalition is very active here in Canada and has published many articles on their own site as well.

Did you know that the Japanese also import live horses from Canada, to slaughter in their own country???  These animals are enclosed in containers so cramped they cannot move and then set sail over open seas to Japan.


Recent scandals in the EU whereby horse meat was sold in various food products to unsuspecting consumers, the EU has banned the import of horsemeat from the US.  Canada however continues to accept US wild horses into this country for slaughter and shipping horse meat out of Canada.

CHDC Reposts “Proof of CFIA Failure”, Phenylbutazone Positive Horse Sent to Slaughter and Through the Food Chain




In the Name of Beef: How Cattle Ranching Could Drive Wild Horses to Extinction


Dirty little secret: Canada’s slaughter industry under fire



4 Slaughter Houses in Quebec, 1 slaughter house in Alberta

This Billboard is just outside of Ottawa, Ontario


Is it bad enough for you? Wild Horses 2


This chart shows the number of horse imported into this country for slaughter, despite the FACT that the US banned slaughter for horsemeat in the early 2000′s.  The US closed down her own slaughter houses and Canada took on the role of slaughtering these magnificent wild American horses!!!!


BLM – Bureau of Land Management Wild Horse Roundups Lack Oversight for Animal Welfare

The reality of our wild horses NEEDS OUR ACTION and INVOLVEMENT now.


People fear the press release may be lip service. See below.  Please prove otherwise. The record shows little real exposure for this crisis. Many people feel that HSUS donors deserve to know. Especially during this holiday time.. when people are targeted to donate to “give love” etc. The public is your backbone for a possible national educational campaign. We know the horrors are real, the cruelty is real and the numbers are inflated. HSUS must act now before more irreversible damage is done.

Most of HSUS donors across the US do not know what is done to our wild horses and burros. Who could educate better than you ? We want the plight of mustangs and your concerns to reach the general public with newsletters, links on website and educational materials with real footage and incidents as they DO go down,  to be included. Millions could be reached, millions who know nothing about this tragedy. It lies much deeper than horses - if you have not read the book by Craig Downer, “The Wild Horse Conspiracy”, please do so. It will tell the tale of the West, and the reality of the last 4 decades. Even those who worked for BLM once, would be amazed to learn the truth. It is not a work of fiction or staged on personal greedit is the truth and it is time for the truth to be accepted and live up to your name.


We must all work together to save one of our most Sacred & Natural Resources…The American Wild Horses!  Horses are our Natural Heritage & Legacy, and should share a place with the American Eagle as our National Symbol!  Think for a moment where this country would be if it had not been for Horses!  It surely doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out…WE WOULD NOT BE THE COUNTRY WE ARE TODAY!  So, let’s not serve up our Horses on dinner plates, so that other countries can eat them!  Please, let us ALL Work together for a common goal…Saving the American Wild Horses!


Please maintain the pressure and demand change now, tell the real story to Americans – it’s been hidden too long. A turn around only comes from true willingness to achieve it. The challenge is big, yet HSUS is a powerhouse that can help in this mission. It is time – as you noted, the horrors go on, and the hasty evictions do too. BLM needs to be held accountable in a society of 21st century, civilized values – not get away with constant unacceptable deceptive tactics, lies and methods that remind of indifferent savagery.


HSUS : Tell  America what is really going on. We all feel this could be the puzzle piece adding the momentum needed in this mission. HSUS ought to cater to the animals’ needs in question here, not the propaganda by those who inflict their suffering and plight. After all, BLM didn’t even meet your PZP expectations in your dealings with them. No time to lose, this is now most urgent. Your latest newsletter reached my inbox. “Give Love”… I agree.

Thank you for your time.

Monika Courtney

Wild Horse escapes containment pen and continues to run with his dangling broken leg.

Video and email sent to me via my Colorado contact who submitted same to BLM with her below comments.


“ No matter what we work for or on whose side we are – this link shows a horse running with a broken leg during a round up. We know accidents happen. But this is bad. You can’t possibly blow this off as just another bad luck event in the minority ? If your wranglers are so professional as your agency claims, this would not happen. Trap pens would be better designed. There is a problem when horses break their necks and legs like this.  For God’s sake, this must stop, Tom ! This is America, not the third world of savagery – BLM has got to stop this cruel treatment and find better ways to prevent this. To you it’s just a statistic, to this horse, it was his life, his freedom. He suffered horribly and I cannot fathom the fact that anyone within your agency can allow such horrid mishaps. BLM must improve – are we at least agreeable on this one part ???  And better sooner than later. We have been waiting ! Please respond.  “


Animals’ Angels Inc.

Investigation of the TDA

Export Pens

and the Chula Vista Slaughter Horse

Collecting Station in Eagle Pass, TX

Recent Investigation in Mexico Reveals Continuing Non Compliance with EU Standards




Filed under: ALERTS, Horse Slaughter in Canada, United States - Action Needed, Wildlife Protection Tagged: Saving America's Wild Horses

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